© 2009 Albert A Rasch and
The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles
SeigeWorks Creation "American" Longbow;
Shooting the American
Shooting the American
OK I'm back, and I am impressed.
Remember, it has been thirty years since I seriously drew a bow last. I shot a Ben Pearson recurve for five or six years, and then the Browning Cobra for a few more. After that it was occasional stump shooting when the mood struck me.
As I mentioned previously in our first installment, I had decided that it was time I got back into bowhunting, and I really wanted to go traditional. Fortunately I bumped into Dave at SiegeWork Creations who has been making very reasonably priced bows since 2001. Having looked over his selection of bows, I couldn't help but be impressed by his bows.
After some advise from Dave and deliberation on my part, I settled on the SWC "American" Longbow.
The first thing I noticed was how light the physical weight of the bow was. The draw was smooth and the increase in poundage progressive. I draw between 29 inches and 30 depending on the bow, and with the American I haven't settled in yet. Until the old muscles build up again, their will be some, uhmm, variation in my draw. Don't worry I'll get them dialed in.
Speaking of the draw, when at full draw, there is no stacking. As a matter of fact, the American can be drawn to 31 inches without any worry. It helps that it is a longbow, but even longbows can stack if the limb geometry is wrong. Dave has this one right. The limbs have the right combination of width, depth, and taper to produce a fast response and and excellent accuracy.
The bow is fast, real fast as far as I can tell. Without a chronograph, I have to rely on visual perception and empirical evidence. Visually the arrows look like they're moving much faster than they do out of the compound. The empirical evidence is about 2 inches of deeper penetration using the same arrow.
Hand shock, the vibration that transmits through the bow and into the hand, is almost non-existent. At least I can't tell or feel it while shooting. Of course anything vibrating is going to make some kind of noise. I did not distinguish any excessive or uncharacteristic noise coming from the bow. A bow that vibrates less is going to be quieter, and more efficient. If it isn't still in the hand when the arrow departs, then that energy isn't going to the arrow which is where it needs to be.
One thing I did distinguish, and real fast, is string slap. I got lazy and didn't hold my arm the right way; call it overconfidence. The bow quickly reminded me what a Flemish string traveling at super fast speed will do to the tender parts of the inside of my arm.
Now all that's left is for me to become one with the bow. I like to shoot instinctively, and to be effective you have to shoot, and shoot a lot. My goal is to work my way up to 75 - 80#. When I get there I would like Dave to make me a bamboo laminate American. With good heavy arrows, I should be good for any big game in America.
And just in case y'all are wondering how I'm doing...
After about a week's worth of practice I pulled this one out first thing yesterday morning. First three shots at fifteen yards.
I quit for the day while I was still ahead.
For more information on SiegeWork Creations:
SiegeWork Creations is open from 10am to 4pm M-F and closed weekends. On the off chance that they can not answer the phone, Dave and Sara do return ALL phone messages left. Call them at 903-285-4347.
The SWC American Longbow
Base Price: $189.00
E-Mail: office@siegeworkcreations.com
Web Store: SiegeWork Archery
Post of Interest:
The SWC American is Here!The Range Reviews: SiegeWorks Creations American Longbow PT I
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