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Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles: Scouting for Hogs

The Rasch Outdoor Chronicles: Scouting for Hogs

One of the Chronicles' Classics. Albert A Rasch describes the best ways to scout for hogs. Check out the tips and great techniques he shares.

I hadn’t seen any sign like rooting, but I knew that there were plenty of hogs in the area. I thought I would scout out what looked from the ground to be a promising area, after crossing the overgrown right-of-way. Now I was sitting there like a dummy. I screwed up my courage, let go of the arm, and took a look at the carnage. It looked bad, but it wasn’t like I was bleeding all over the place and in danger of imminent death. So I took the water bottle, poured some over the holes and poked at it with my dirty fingers. The pale jagged edges of the punctures looked like I had tried to use a drill on my arm, and where the splinter had run me through, the flesh was bruising and full of dark blood. I washed it with more water, pulled the now famous do-rag off my head, and proceeded to wrap up my arm.

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